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On this page, you will first find all the software used to create the parts and pieces of the game, and second you will find the name, an example image, it's dimensions, and any suggestions I have when going about making your own game. I hope this information is helpful.


Software I Used


Inkscape is a free to use, open source, scalable vector graphic (svg) editing software that is perfect for making the graphics for your Monopoly game. If you don't know, an svg is a graphic or image that doesn't pixelate, ever. You can scale the image as big or as small as you want and the image will still look crisp. While it may take some getting used to, there are a ton of useful YouTube channels (such as Logos by Nick) and useful documentation on how to use this sofware with ease.

Inkscape Download Link

Logos by Nick (Youtuber)

Online Editing Software

There are many useful online tools to edit images you have to the way you want them. However, many of them require you to pay for their services after a certain use. Lunapic is a great, free online image editor that I have used for a few years now, and it seems to do a decent job. If you would like to check it out/use it for yourself, please feel free to do so. Always make sure you trust a website/service before uploading/downloading any content. (Use this or any software at your own risk!)


The Board

Dimensions: 19 1/2" x 19 1/2" | Massive Monopoly (unfinalized): 36" x 36"

The Monopoly board was the first thing I worked on. I didn't really know what I was doing with the first draft, but I kept on refining the board until I got it to a point I like. If you decide to use Inkscape for this, please make sure to put each of the property tiles in their own layer! As I found out, the file starts lagging if you don't do this! It may take some time to get the desired look, so please be aware that the design may need to be done more than once!

     More About the Game Board..

 © 2023 My Board Game | All Rights Reserved.


*Disclaimer: By using this site, you acknowledge that all image content, game design, or logos of Monopoly are all under copyright protection. The

information on this site can be used for personal use only. I don't claim any ownership over the copyrighted material on this site.

I had the idea to make a MASSIVE Monopoly back in 2020, in the thick of quarantine. I wanted an obscenely large game of Monopoly I could play with family and friends. So what's a more comical way of doing this than building a 3 foot x 3 foot board to play on? (Haven't tested the process, but it seems fun in the mind)

    More About the Game Cards..

Dimensions: (original): 2" x 3.125" | Massive Monopoly (unfinalized): Board Cards: 5" x 3", Title Deeds: 3" x 4.2"  

Game Cards

The key for the game cards is to look on the internet for design ideas. Creating a card design idea can be tough, but with enough work, it will be done well. For my game, I decided to design the backs of the Monopoly board cards on my own, but the property deeds are inspired by the backs of the property deeds from the Mega Monopoly Edition. All the game cards are the same size in the original Monopoly game.

I wanted everything in my game to be massive, so the cards grew with the board. The choice of how each card grew was a choice based on the look ofit printed in a one to one ratio compared with the board. There was no set growth when creating the cards. However, not only did the card size grow,but the amount of card decks as well. In Massive Monopoly. There are four decks of board cards (Chance, Chance 2, Community Chest, and Shopping Spree.Which is similar to the bus ticket, found in the Mega Monopoly version. However, in my mind, more fun.) The title deeds have received one more title deed(except for the railroads, they needed to keep the board symmetrical). I decided, the bigger the better.

    More About the Money..

Dimensions: (original): 4" x 2" | Massive Monopoly (unfinalized): 6" x 3"


The money you use for your Monopoly money doesn't have to be made by you. You could just take the already existing money from a Monopoly game that you have lying around. Make sure you have permission to use it though! You can, however, make your own Monopoly money from scratch. WhenI was making my money, I followed a tutorial from Logos by Nick. It creates a similar-ish border effect on the money like you see in the original.

I wanted the Massive Monopoly Money to be very similar to the money found in Mega Monopoly. As you could probably tell by now, I chose Mega Monopolyto be the game I am basing my "expansion" on. I couldn't find a design I was happy with, so I had to settle (being the perfectionist I am, thiswas saddening). Even so, the money now is going under it's 3rd remodel and I like it more and more as the time goes on. If you have a better ideafor a design. Please contact me! I am open to suggestions!  

    More About the Tokens..


Same as the money, you can use the existing tokens you find in an already existing Monopoly game, but if you want to make your own, I can tellyou how I made mine. I found a website that 3D prints in metal because I really wanted to have custom tokens made of bronze in my game. Althoughthis was a fun thought, I'd advise you not to do this if you want to save money. If you still want to make custom tokens, make sure the dimensionsof the tokens are what you really want and that you want to have the specific model of token. When I made mine, I found random trinkets off of Thingyverse and printed them to be used in game. I made the mistake of ordering the tokens and they came out too small. Click here to use theservice I did to make my tokens.

The size of a Monopoly token depends on the game version itself. There is not one set size for a Monopoly token. If you want a specific size of token, you might want to measure the token you want yours to be similar to, to get a good result. 

    More About the Buildings..


With my personal Monopoly, I plan to use the pieces from an existing Monopoly so I don't have to worry about making my own. Having said that, I ammaking a new building that is worth more than the skyscraper from the Mega Monopoly. I call it the city. The city building model is going to be madeand printed with some help of someone I know with a 3D printer. I'm doing this as the token doesn't exist yet.

The size of the buildings again, depend on the game itself. The best thing to do is to find a game's building you already like and base yours off ofthat. This way, you don't have to start completely from scratch. (It's difficult, believe me. But if you want to, go for it!)

    More About the Dice..

Dimensions: (original): Dimensions vary. | Massive Monopoly: 2.3 in x 2.5 in. x 0.1 in.


Now, making dice is a hard one as you probably want them to be sturdy enough for play and you want something as professional as you can get it. You couldmake your own out of wood, plastic, acrylic or metal if you wanted to. I found these amazing dice on Amazon that really fit what I wanted for my game. Clickhere to take a look. The dice I got are made of metal alloy and are pretty hefty. I don't want them to damage my game when rolled, so I'm going to create acustom board game box that's lined with some soft material so nothing is damaged over long periods of use, but more on that later.

In Massive Monopoly, there will be 5 dice that one can use during their turn. Four metal dice I bought off of Amazon and one Monopoly Speed Die I bought off of Ebay.There's a Massive amount of dice as the game itself is Massive with 17 squares on the board per side. The five dice is to ensure Massive fun with, hopefully,fast gameplay (the game is unfinished and hasn't been play tested to test this hypothesis).

    More About the Game Box..

Dimensions: (original): The box from a classic Monopoly set is 16 inches long by 10 3/4 inches wide by 1 3/4 inches. (from https://www.monopolyland.com/monopoly-board-dimensions/) | Massive Monopoly: unset.

The Game Box

I haven't created the game box for my Monopoly game yet, so I don't have a plan or thing to base this off of. As I said, this game is a work in progress. I wantthe board to be made professionally and with precision. It would be nice to be made out of the same material the mass produced ones are made of, but I may stickwith wood. I'll see what comes my way. The board design comes at a very late stage in the game because it's what advertises your game. You need to have a solidunderstanding of what your game does, how its played, etc. It's what entices someone to play your game of Monopoly. You want the box to pop. To be exciting!

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